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Best Marketplace for NFT in 2024

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The market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has cooled significantly over the previous two years, with a projected 90% re
duction in 2022. Despite the negative drop, NFTs remain a multibillion-dollar market. So, which are the top NFT marketplaces in 2024?

What is an NFT Marketplace? 

An NFT marketplace is an online platform that allows users to buy and trade NFTs, which are a sort of digital asset with numerous applications. NFTs can represent digital artwork, letting users to sell a unique token that represents ownership of the artwork. 

They also have a significant impact on the gaming skins market, allowing users to purchase and trade in-game assets such as clothing, weapons, and other stuff. The majority of NFT sales have been for art, but music, collectibles, and real estate have also been transferred as NFTs.

Working of NFT Marketplace?

NFT marketplaces often charge a fee for each NFT sold, and some allow the original artist to receive royalties on future sales of their work. Users can create NFTs on blockchain networks, most notably the Ethereum network. To join a marketplace, you must first create an account and connect a digital wallet like as MetaMask.



OpenSea is the world's first NFT marketplace, which debuted in 2017. It remains one of the largest NFT platforms, maintaining its first-to-market advantage and providing the most diverse range of assets for trade. However, Magic Eden and Blur have surpassed OpenSea in popularity this year.

Fees: 0% – 2.5%

Minting Fees: 0% – 2.5%

Liquidity: High

Royalties: Optional fees from 0% to 10%


Rarible, established in 2020, is a prominent NFT marketplace that provides affordable trading fees and specializes in rare digital assets. The platform also stands out for offering generous royalties to creators. Setting high royalties can dissuade users from purchasing NFTs for resale, but artists with sought-after assets can benefit greatly from this feature by selecting their preferred royalty amount.

Fees: 7.5% – 0.5%, depending on the asset’s value. 0% available when staking native token.

Minting Fees: 0%

Liquidity: Medium

Royalties: Up to 50%

3.Magic Eden 

Magic Eden is a platform for NFTs that provides NFTs minted on the Solana blockchain instead of Ethereum. Solana competes with Ethereum as a faster and more scalable option for developing decentralized applications.

Trading Fees: 2%

Minting Fees: Around 0.02 to 0.04 SOL

Liquidity: High

Royalties: Choose between 0%, 50%, or 100%


Blur is a platform for NFTs that focuses on professional NFT traders looking to profit from their trades. It has recently become the largest NFT marketplace in the world based on trading volume, surpassing Magic Eden and OpenSea. Unlike previous NFT marketplaces that had a more casual approach, Blur aims to reduce trading costs for users and does not impose any transaction fees. The platform started with minimal royalty fees, prompting OpenSea to eliminate mandatory royalties.

Trading Fees: 0%

Minting Fees: Dependent on current Ethereum gas fees

Liquidity: High

Royalties: 0.5% fixed rate


LooksRare is a decentralized application enabling NFT trading and community governance. Initially, all fees on this NFT marketplace were earned by users staking the native LOOKS token, emphasizing community benefits. This reward system has been replaced with a more intricate set of DeFi-inspired incentive models.

Trading Fees: 2%

Minting Fees: Dependent on current Ethereum gas fees

Liquidity: Low

Royalties: 0% option, with higher options available

Conclusion :

NFTs have emerged as a game-changer in the digital art world, offering a new level of ownership and authenticity for collectors and artists alike. With their unique characteristics, scarcity, and verifiability, NFTs are poised to revolutionize the way we think about art, music, and even collectibles. As the NFT market continues to evolve, we can expect to see new and innovative uses of this technology, further blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. For those looking to get in on the action, the time to explore the world of NFTs is now – but be prepared to be blown away by the possibilities.

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