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10 Essential Banking Terms You Should Know.

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What is Banking?

Banking is a financial institution that provides a range of financial services to its customers, including accepting deposits, making loans, and facilitating financial transactions. Banks play a vital role in the economy by providing a safe and secure way to store and manage money, as well as offering various financial products and services to individuals and businesses.

Advantages of Banking:

1.Safety and Security: Banks provide a secure way to store money, with insurance coverage up to a certain amount.

2.Convenience: Banking services are available 24/7, with online and mobile banking options, making it easy to manage finances from anywhere.

3.Easy Access to Credit: Banks provide loans and credit facilities, allowing individuals and businesses to access credit when needed.

4.Diversification of Risk: Banks allow individuals and businesses to diversify their risk by investing in different assets, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

5.Record-Keeping: Banks provide an organized record of transactions, making it easy to track finances and prepare tax returns.

Disadvantages of Banking:

1.Fees and Charges: Banks charge various fees for services, such as ATM withdrawals, overdrafts, and account maintenance.

2.Limited Interest Rates: The interest rates offered by banks may be limited, which can impact the returns on investments.

3.Risk of Bank Failure: There is a risk of bank failure, which can result in losses for depositors and investors.

4.Regulatory Compliance: Banks are subject to strict regulations, which can be time-consuming and costly.

5.Lack of Transparency: Some banks may not provide clear information about their fees, charges, and investment products.

Here are 10 essential banking terms you should know:

1.APR (Annual Percentage Rate): The total cost of borrowing, including interest and fees, expressed as a yearly rate.

2.ATM (Automated Teller Machine): A machine that allows you to withdraw cash, check your account balance, and perform other transactions using your debit card or PIN.

3.Balance: The amount of money in your account, including deposits, withdrawals, and
 any pending transactions.

4.Checking Account: A type of bank account that allows you to deposit and withdraw funds frequently, often with limited fees.

5.Credit Score: A three-digit number (usually between 300 and 850) that represents your creditworthiness, based on your credit history and payment habits.

6.Deposit: A transfer of funds into your account, which can be made by writing a check, using an ATM, or online banking.

7.Interest Rate: The percentage of your account balance that is added to your account as earnings, usually compounded over time.

8.Overdraft: A situation where you withdraw more money than is available in your account, resulting in a negative balance.

9.Reconciliation: The process of verifying the accuracy of your account statement by comparing it to your own records and transactions.

10.Transaction Fee: A charge imposed by the bank for certain types of transactions, such as ATM withdrawals, overdrafts, or international transactions.

Understanding these banking terms can help you navigate your financial accounts more effectively and make informed decisions about your money.

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